The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Thursday July 21st, 2016
Showbox SODO
1700 1st Ave
Seattle, WA
Taper: LeifH
Source: CA-11 (cardioid ) > Bat2B > Sony PCM M10 @ 24/48 > Duracell 8GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Masters Edition (edits, amplify, tracking, 16/44.1) > flac (8) via Frontend
Setlist: 1:52:38
01 There's No Underwear in Space
02 Cricket and the Genie (Movement 1)
03 Cricket and the Genie (Movement 2)
04 Breah of a Salesman
05 Monolith of Phobos
06 Up on the Roof (with Skerik)
07 Bubbles Burst
08 Mr. Wright
09 Boomerang Baby
10 Ohmerica
11 Oxycontin Girl
12 Astronomy Domine
13 Captain Lariat
14 Tomorrow Never Knows
15 Southbound Pachyderm (with Herb)
I got to the venue just after 2:30 pm I think. This was their first show back after a month off. They soundchecked for almost 2.5 hours, which I listened to from the wide open loading doors. I didn't record the soundcheck because there were vehicles coming and going constantly, as well as venue employees chatting and smoking. They pretty much played the full setlist, pausing to go over arrangements and re-rehearse certain parts. Ohmerica and Captain Lariat must've been played 3 times each. I was plenty early and ended up burning one with the merch guy. Les and Sean were nice enough to stop and sign my Delirium vinyl after soundcheck. A while later shared beers and a joint with the opening band, JJUUJJUU.
Skerik came out and played sax on Up On The Roof. Herb played drums on Southbound Pachyderm instead of Paulo. Money Mark was not on this leg of the tour and there was a different keyboard player instead.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
ClaypoolLennonDelirium2016-07-21ShowboxSeattleWA (8).JPG
ClaypoolLennonDelirium2016-07-21ShowboxSeattleWA (9).JPG