Club d'Elf
Friday April 23, 2021
The Stone Church
Newmarket, NH

source1: akg 414 split omni > Lunatec V3 > Edirol R-44 > WAV (24/48k)
source2: sbd > Edirol R-44 > WAV (24/48k)
transfer: wav > Audacity > wav (24/48k) > xACT > flac8

tape/transfer - corey the groundhog (coreythegroundhogATgmailDOTcom)

set one (86:50)

01. Like a Silence
02. Marchment
03. Rais
04. Nematodes
05. Masada
06. Sand
07. band intros

set two (50:44)

01. End of Firpo
02. Ecstatic Cling (Papone)
03. Invisible Landscape
04. Big Light in the Sky

Mike Rivard - Bass & Sintir
Dean Johnston - Drums
Paul Schulteis - Keyboards
Randy Roos - Guitar
Mister Rourke - Turntables