1970-08-13 Amsterdam(*), Netherlands "Piknik" VPRO-TV Show (M?-FM)
01. Past Loves
02. Down Country Girls
03. Watch This Space
Total Time ::: 13:32
::: Excellent unknown gen. line recording. Check samples for self-prognosis & tempting morsels.
::: Warts: Touch of distortion & could be brighter, but it sounds great, just way too damn short!
::: Came as "TV broadcast" but must have been a stereo FM broadcast (simulcast?). Anyone know?
::: (*)Amsterdam is not confirmed. Some "Piknik" shows were done in other locations. Again, anyone know for sure? Must be a complete list somewhere.
::: Recorded after the self-titled 1970 debut "Cochise" album release. Anyone have a complete live set by this band? Please! Maybe I have one... Isn't senility fun?
Recording Information ::: VPRO radio broadcast -> unknown recording equipment -> off-air master tape -> unknown generations -> unknown generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette, Dolby B on.
Playback 2012-05-01 ::: unknown generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette on Nakamichi BX-300 cassette deck, Dolby B on, azimuth & pitch adjusted, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> Tascam CD-RW900SL pro CD recorder -> CD-RW -> computer, EAC secure -> wavs -> Audacity (normalisation to remove DC offset, fades &/or glitches, dropouts, volume adjustments, no EQ) -> CD Wave (track splits) -> Trader's Little Helper -> yer ears. First uploaded week of 2012-05-04.
Line-up ::: Stewart Brown – vocals, guitar? // B.J. Cole – pedal steel // Mick Grabham – guitar, vocals // Rick Wills – bass, vocals // John "Sly" Wilson – percussion, drums.
Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.
CoolSonics 150 ::: Thanks to the original taper & traders! ::: Corrections welcome ::: Here's a band I always found fascinating & never totally got a handle on, though I spent some time with 3 different albums by them. But man, blistering alternating leads by B.J. Cole on pedal steel & Mick Grabham on electric guitar, great vocal work, a real delight of a band. I like the rougher edge of the live sound & love the rockier side, though the country affect still isn't entirely my cup o' tea. Still, excellent band. Amazing for me to finally see B.J. Cole play live & really fascinating that it was a set with R.E.M. Anyway, enjoy yer listening experience.
Kudos to Zongo for life support, Lochner for mikes&more & Fast Freddie for runnin' Video Dick's Record Emporium with the bathroom office full of tape decks. Thanks to Hanwaker (few among us can keep his pace). Mountains of gratitude to Davmar, D.White, Sanchez, Elliot, The Florida Kid, Kloiber, Zingg, JTW, Bershaw, Boston Gold, Weeks, Dixon, Moore, Gough & SO many more for all that collecting & sharing... Royal thanks to The Man In The Palace, Doc Tinker, Brinkhoffs, Barely Eatin', Reel Master Gaule, Parrish & all the traders who housed me thru my music acquisition & travel years. Hats off to Brother Kent, Uncle Jake, Little Queenie (& her neighbor Frank) & his honor Ptomaine Thomas. Glasses raised to Byron for musical horizon expansion & much obliged to J & Thurston for keepin' my concert fires burnin' since my continental shift. Thanks to the Mods for keepin' DIME alive. Enjoy, share, give, spread peace. Yers truly, Knees
Do whatever you want with it except sell it, 'cause that ain't cool!