Col. Bruce & The Quark Alliance
Play It Forward
Diana Wortham Theatre
Asheville, NC
Source:Matrix SBD+AKGC2000>UA-5>JB3
Lineage:JB3>Nomad>Audacity 1.2.4>CDwave>FLAC
Taped by Travis Viars
Transferred by Travis Viars
1. Intro
2. There Was A Time
3. Compared To What
4. Time Flack
5. Feeling Good*%
6. New River Train*%
7. Workin On A Building*%
8. Space Is The Place*%
9. She's Gone,Gone,Gone*%
10.I'm So Glad*%
11.Time Is Free*%
*w/Ike Stubblefield on Organ
%w/Jeff Sipe on extra Drum Kit