Cornmeal, Dunegrass Festival, Empire, Michigan, 2008-08-02

Matrix Of:

Sdb Source: SDB > Tascam US-144 > PC(Sonar 7 16-bit/48kHz) > FLAC(16-bit/48kHz) > Sonar
Aud Source: Neumann skm 184's > Busman T-Mod Marantz PMD 660 Via CF Card @ 16 Bit > MacBook Air Via USB 2.0 > Sound Studio 3 > XACT Flac 16 > Sonar

>> Mixed In Sonar 7 > FLAC(16/44.1)

Sdb Recording: John F.
Aud Recording: Tyler Jernigan
Mixing: John F.

Set 1
1. When The Worlds Got You Down
2. Feet On The Ground
3. Banter
4. Calling Me Back Home
5. Crowd / Banter
6. Jenny In The Middle
7. Shady Grove >
8. I Know What I Know

Notes: The original soundboard source for this had multiple audio glitches due to usb driver issues which caused dropouts during
recording that sounded like skips. I have mixed and cut my flawed soundboard source to make a matrix with Tyler Jernigan's Neumann
skm184 unflawed audience source. The show is now whole and where the dropouts occured you will just hear the audio fade back to
audience quality for a second and come back to matrix.

Show was on the Side Stage, Dunegrass, Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008

Special thanks to Tyler Jernigan for posting his audience source so I could build a matrix and salvage the soundboard source.