Mohawk Place
Buffalo, NY

This is a 16bit fileset intended for CD/ipod listening. A 24bit high resolution version also exists.

Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Config/Location: ORTF/FOH/DFC 12' from the stage 7' stand
Transfer: 722>Firewire 6pin>Macbook>xACT(join wav files)>Sound Studio 3(fades, normalize peak, track, resample, bit depth conversion)>xACT(align on sector boundaries, encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16
Taped, transferred & mastered: Lenny Stubbe (

One Set: (1:38:10)

Disc 1: (52:42)

1. intro
2. When The World's Got You Down
3. Feet on the Ground
4. High Lonesome Sound
5. Molly and Tenbrooks
6. They Love Each Other

Disc 2: (45:28)

1. That's That
2. Feather>
3. Shady Grove

4. encore break
5. I Know What I Know


Transferred, mastered and seeded on 11/07/09