The Cosmic Dead
Gagarin 205, Athens, GREECE
Source: Audience
Lineage: CA-14 cardioids + battery box + Edirol R-09 > WAV (16-bit, 48 kHz) > Sony Sound
Forge 11 (cuts, fades, EQ: rolled-off freqs <100 Hz, reduced freqs 100-150 Hz,
normalized each channel @-18dB, iZotope 64-Bit SRC resampling to 44.1 kHz w/
anti-alias filter) > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC
Taped by pantelis79.
Disc 1 (79:23)
01 Intro
02 Easterfaust
03 Djamba
04 Khartomb
05 The Exalted Shoastmann
06 Gravy Shoot
07 Rainbowhead
James T McKay Guitar
Omar Aborida Bass, vocals
Lewis Cook Synths, vocals
Julian Dicken Drums
Güürly Shoastmann Vibes
They came out after midnight and gave us a solid show. I was really tired after having seen
two bands already, but I decided to stay and it was no mistake. Trippy psychedelic music at
it finest. The concert ended around 1:30 - it's OK for a Friday night :-).
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
![CosmicDead2016-03-04TheGagarin205AthensGreece (1).jpg]( (1).jpg)
![CosmicDead2016-03-04TheGagarin205AthensGreece (2).jpg]( (2).jpg)
![CosmicDead2016-03-04TheGagarin205AthensGreece (3).jpg]( (3).jpg)