country joe mcdonald + All Star Band
paris (france)

radio broadcast recorded by the french gentleman
1st gen mono reel to reel
only B quality

thanks to unclemeat for the raw transfer
hanwaker did some level adjusments in audacity and tracked in cdwave 2013-08
::::static in track06 @ 4:55


01 tricky dick->
02 -DJ voice over-
03 tricky dick (cont)
04 fantasy ( starts with DJ voice over )
05 - DJ voice over -
06 sexist pig

from joe's website

From 1972 till 1973, Joe led a group known as the "All Star Band"; it featured members of Big Brother and the Holding Company (David Getz and Peter Albin), an LA favorite from the 60's United States of America (Dorothy Moskovitz), at times former Fish Barry Melton and players from the Bay Area.
At its best during the Fete de L'Humanite in Paris * it had eight members but for most of its life it was a quartet. This group was recorded live at the Fete and a recording of "Sweet Marie" appeared on the 1990 Vanguard release The Best Of Country Joe: The Vanguard Years.
Also recorded with this group was Joe's 1973 Vanguard album Paris Sessions. A raw direct release, it remains a favorite of many of Joe's fans notably for the feminist (or maybe not feminist) song "Sexist Pig." The All Star Band and some of the songs from this period did not endear Joe to many of his fans. Like some of his earlier material, the songs he performed and wrote were a reflection of changing times. The women's movement had become viable and by adding women to his band, he hoped it would at least indicate to others that they were no different as musicians than men. In 1990 this is commonplace, but in the early 70s it was quite outrageous. Joe spent most of 1974 living in Europe, mostly in Paris where he had friends he had met in Berkeley. The more liberal European artist climate did not prepare him for the conditions he returned to.
He found himself banned from appearing at most municipal buildings due to the "Fish Cheer" and a reputation of a performer with an "attitude," mostly due to outspoken political views, and his to the point, but off-color topical songs.

*09 September 1972 F�te de l'Humanit�, Paris, France with Aragon, Jacques Duclos, Georges Marchais, The Who, Le Vieux Cheminot

thanks to the chickenonaunicycle

the europe 1973 tour

13 November 1973 London, England [with the All-Star Band] [Press Reception]
17 November 1973 Olympia, Paris, France [with the All Star Band]
21 November 1973 Alma 2 Theater, Leuvan, Belgium [with the All-Star Band]
22 November 1973 Liege Conservatoire, Belgium [with the All-Star Band]
23 November 1973 Zoom Club, Frankfurt, West Germany [with the All Star Band]
26 November 1973 Tivoli Gardens, K�benhavn, Denmark [with the All Star Band]
28 November 1973 Musikladen, Germany with Van Morrison, Randy Newman [with the All Star Band]
[German TV Episode #1.10 aired on 23 January 1974 and produced by Radio Bremen]
29 November 1973 University of East Anglia, Norwich, England [with the All Star Band]
30 November 1973 Goldsmith College, London, England [with the All Star Band]
01 December 1973 London School of Economics, London, England [with the All Star Band]
02 December 1973 Pavillion, Hemel Hempstead, England with McGhee [with the All Star Band]
03 December 1973 University Old Union, Cardiff, Wales [with the All Star Band]
05 December 1973 Leicester, England [with the All Star Band]
06 December 1973 Cambridge University, Cambridge, England [with the All Star Band]
07 December 1973 Reading University, Reading, England [with the All Star Band]
08 December 1973 Bristol University, Bristol, England [with the All Star Band] with The Global Village Trucking Company
09 December 1973 Barbarella�s Ballroom, Birmingham, England [with the All Star Band]
11 December 1973 100 Club, London, England [with the All Star Band]
13 December 1973 North London Polytechnic, London, England [with the All Star Band]
15 December 1973 Paradiso, Amsterdam, Holland [with the All Star Band] -

Subsequent European dates cancelled after Joe tripped and fell in to an open fire.


a unclemeat/ hanwaker collaboration uploaded to dime 2013-08