Crack The Sky

February 12, 2016
Tally Ho Theater
Leesburg, VA

Lostbrook 2.0 Volume 141

Source: CA-11(cards)>CA-9200>Sony M10(24/48)
Location: 35' from stage, slightly right of center

Transfer: Sony M10>Micro SDHC>PC>Sound Forge 10>WAV 16/44.1>
Trader's Little Helper>FLAC(level 8)

Taper/Transfer/Notes: Lostbrook
Covers: ethiessen1

Disc 1:

01 Intro (0:38)
02 White Music (Intro) > Hold On (5:36) >
03 Nuclear Apathy (7:52)
04 From The Greenhouse (6:13)
05 Go (6:47) >
06 All American Boy (3:20) >
07 Techni Generation (3:23) >
08 Skin Deep (5:00)
09 The Beauty Of Nothing (6:03) >
10 Rachel (5:31)
11 Long Nights (4:54)
12 Ram On* (1:05) >
13 A Night On The Town (With Snow White) (3:45)
14 Robots For Ronnie (5:44)

Disc 2:

15 Ice > Band Intros (12:40)
16 Lighten Up McGraw (9:18)
17 Mind Baby (4:35) >
18 She's A Dancer (4:29) >
19 Surf City+ (14:04)
20 William Tell Overture% > Encore Applause (3:49)


21 Hot Razors In My Heart (6:45)
22 I Am The Walrus# (5:28)

* McCartney cover
+ Includes excerpts of: Rebel Rebel (Bowie)/Take It Easy (Eagles)/Shining Star (Earth, Wind, & Fire)/Peaceful Easy Feeling (Eagles)/Suffragette City (Bowie)
% Rossini (excerpt)
# Beatles cover

Rick Witkowski - acoustic and electric guitars, ukulele, vocals
Joe D'Amico - drums, vocals
Bobby Hird - acoustic and electric guitars, vocals
Glenn Workman - Keyboards, vocals
Dave DeMarco - Bass, vocals

Paul Newman (crew) - acoustic guitar (tracks 4,15)

When I bought this ticket, my only knowledge of Crack The Sky was a distant memory of occasionally hearing them on late-night NY radio in the mid to late 1970's. I couldn't remember what they sounded like so I did a few minutes of research, but I was acting mostly on name recognition and my instinct that this was a rare event, especially for Leesburg, VA. Due to my limited knowledge of CTS, I was a little concerned when I learned a couple of days before the show that John Palumbo had been hospitalized and would not be performing. The band did an amazing job without him - there was certainly no shortage of vocalists as all five members did their part, and with the dueling guitar work of Rick Witkowski and Bobby Hird, I found myself naively wondering after the show where John Palumbo would even fit in. I hope to have the opportunity to find out one day.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

CrackTheSky2016-02-12TallyHoTheaterLeesburgVA (1).jpg
CrackTheSky2016-02-12TallyHoTheaterLeesburgVA (2).jpg
CrackTheSky2016-02-12TallyHoTheaterLeesburgVA (3).jpg