1980-04-19 The Venue, London, UK

SBD > unknown gen C60 cassette > ReVox B215 S > Tascam HD-2P >
WAV 24-96 > Audacity 2.1.2 (channel balancing and track splitting) > flac (level 8)

Total Time: 57'27''

01 intro
02 Drug Train
03 Love Me
04 Voodoo Idol
05 Rockin' Bones
06 Weekend On Mars
07 Uranium Rock
08 The Natives Are Restless
09 Under The Wires
10 Strychnine
11 Garbageman
12 Human Fly
13 I Was A Teenage Werewolf [fades in]
14 Sunglasses After Dark
15 I'm Cramped
16 The Mad Daddy
17 Lux awards price for the best dressed waitress
18 Louie Louie
19 Hurricane Fighter Plane
20 Surfin' Bird

Bryan Gregory - guitar
Lux Interior - vocals
Poison Ivy - guitar
Nick Knox - drums


Rev A Note:

I was given this tape by a good friend from London in the late 80s and was
told I couldn't pass it on.

20 years later I figured it was OK to share it with the rest of the Cramps
trading community. I snail mailed the tape to neginiets who transferred and
seeded it on DAD many years ago, where it was received enthusiastically -
it turned out that this tape had more tracks and better quality than any
other known recording of this legendary show.
Due to the tape flip the very beginning of "I Was A Teenage Werewolf" is
missing. Other than that the tape seems to contain the complete show,
unless there was another encore after "Surfin' Bird", which I doubt.
The sound is just a little muddy at times but all the instruments and Lux'
vocals are very clear and nicely balanced in the mix (although the recording
is almost monophonic).

A few years later, after the show had dropped off the tracker finally,
I reseeded the files with fixed SBEs.

Another few years later, knowing more about the technical aspects of tape
transfers, I asked a friend if he could help making a new transfer of the tape,
this time in higher resolution and possibly on a better tape deck and with
Azimuth adjustment.
He put me in touch with Jean who kindly offered to transfer the cassette on
his Revox tape deck.

So here we have his transfer of this recording, in high resolution to preserve
the best possible quality. To my ears it definitely is an improvement to the
first transfer, with a much fuller sound spectrum. I sent some samples to a
knowledgeable friend who figures the recording is running a little sharp, so
it may be in need of a pitch/speed correction, something I am not capable
of providing. It still sounds pretty damn good to me and so far no one's ever
mentioned a pitch problem despite the hundreds of downloads, so it does
not seem to be a major problem.

Anyway I am sure a careful remastering job, with maybe some additional
light eq work, could improve this already fine recording into a true gem!
So if anyone feels inclined to try take on that task please get in touch and
I will happily provide copies of the untouched files from the transfer, 1 per
cassette side.

Until then, I hope you enjoy this improved version of 'The Last Supper'!


Cassette transfer by Jean Niederberger (merci beaucoup!) october 2015.
Tracked, tagged and seeded on DAD by surfling april 2016.

In memory of one of the best Rock'n'Roll performers ever - Lux Interior!

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
