Psychedelic Supermarket, Boston, Mass. USA
September 10 - 16, 1967 (specific date unknown)

1. Spoonful (Willie Dixon) [11.41]
2. Sweet Wine (Baker/Godfrey) - incomplete [7.46]
3. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp) [4.22]
4. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) [7.11]

total time: 31 minutes

Psychedelic Supermarket Remastered Quality: Original recording quality
was very low. The remaster has improved the balance but the bass remains
dominant (much to the delight of Bruce fans!) but muddy. Noise levels
are reduced but they remain noticeable. Final quality can only be
classed as reasonable.


Psychedelic Supermarket, Boston Massachusetts

2 sets each night, 10th-16th September 1967

Boston was a very conservative city not taken to "hippies" resulting in
them mainly staying in their hotel. The performance, perhaps, shows the
impact of that atmosphere. While the playing is undeniably excellent, it
is more restrained compared to Brandeis. This may have also been due to
doing two shows each night. This recording sounds like it is from the
first show of one of the nights.

Psychedelic Supermarket was recorded on a typical domestic recorder in
mono. It was positioned left of stage giving dominance to the bass. Lead
guitar and vocals are distant. It's especially attractive to the Jack
Bruce fans. Frequency range is limited and tape noise is high. It was
tightly recorded onto a 30min tape, so there are tape start ups
effecting each song.

Tales of Brave Ulysses (4.22)

Preceded by Jack and Ginger mucking around. Solid version with Eric
using less wah-wah then usual on the coda.

Sunshine of Your Love (7.11)

A tight version with a quite intense final coda. Still, a better
performance than the official release.

Spoonful (11.41)

A comparatively brief version with the vocal sections being fairly
extended. Pretty similar to the early '67 performances. Doesn't hit a
high plain but still shows they were still good even when not at their
best. It is interesting to note the jam reference points that are
common to all versions.

Sweet Wine (7.46) - Incomplete

Unfortunately the best performance is cut short by the tape running
out. Baker and Clapton were, in particular, locking. They were really
hiting their straps and...


Pictures and reminiscences of the gig at

Information about Psychedelic Supermarket at:

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
