Cosmopolite, Oslo, Norge
March - 09 - 2014
a LARS M recording
Rec. Info:
Sony ECM 719mic -> Sony PCM D50recorder (at WAV 16/44) -> transfer -> USB stick (received via mail) -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME ->
Recorded by dear Lars at app. 5-6 meters from stage edge dead center. Recording is excellent but a bit weak on the low end. I added just a tiny bit of that and increased the level
to give this an even more satisfying listening. No crowd chaTTERS audible, just like the doctor ordered...
To be honest: I've never been a big fan of King Crimson, and if there's something close to my liking then it's the music of their first phase. Most of their songs are to me what we call
here in Germany "zu frickelig" and somehow I don't like the hectic athmosphere compared to my favourite progressive rock band VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR.
Anyway, here's a great sounding capture of THE CRIMSON PROJEKCTs show in Oslo, and as I know that dear Lars likes them a lot, there's simply no chance for me to let this shelved away
in the outskirts of my harddrive. Please forgive me, if I didn't manage to get a proper setlist, but I know there are some experts out there, who can easily do one.
Hope you'll enjoy this...SB.
FULL SHOW (149:06 min.)
01. Markus Reuter Soundscape (7:45)
02. B'Boom/Thrak (8:06)
03. Dinosaur (5:41)
04. Frame by frame (4:13)
05. Sleepless (6:48)
06. ... (6:46)*
07. Neurotica (4:48)
08. E (10:03)
09. Three of a perfect pair (3:58)
10. Hide the trees (6:43)
11. Vroom Vroom (5:45)
12. Open Part 2 (13:54)
13. Firebird ballet (11:23)
14. Larks tongues in aspic (6:39)
15. One time (6:12)
16. Red (6:16)
17. Indiscipline (13:12)
--- Encore ---
18. In the court of the Crimson King tease (1:57)
19. Elephant talk (7:16)
20. ... (3:39)
21. Tela Hun Ginjeet (7:40)
*track from ABPT "E"...who knows?
Adrian Belew - vocals, guitar
Tony Levin - chapman stick, bass guitar
Pat Mastelotto - drums
Markus Reuter - touch guitar
Julie Slick - bass guitar
Tobias Ralph - drums
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy all their official releases.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread, keep lineage/taper info intact. It's the tapers that bring you the music!
If you sell...listen to hairmetal forever! (Tony Levin)
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/05/22