Crimson ProjeKct
June 30th 2014
The Governor Hindmarsh Hotel
Port Road
Sultry Kiss >
Frame by Frame
Band Introductions and thanks to the pledgers
Power Trio
The Stickmen
Crack in the Sky
Larks' Tongues In Aspic (part 2)
Three of a perfect pair
changeover to Belew and Levin
Matte Kudasai
joined by Julie Slick and Tobias Ralph
Young Lions
Adrian has problems with his loops and calls on the services of the stick men power trio and the stick men combine to create a 12 minuteā€¦..
The Stickmen
breathless intro
One Time
Encore 1
Elephant Talk
Encore 2
Thela Hun Ginjeet

This was the show that would never have taken place if it wasn't for an intrepid band of pledgers who put up enough money through pledges to buy tickets and merchandise to enable the band to cover their costs to travel to the venue and play other expenses.

Eventually there was a pretty good crowd of around hundred and 50 audience members who were in the main incredibly respectful and quiet in the right places. Sound was really good and I think it's mirrored here in the recording.
photos by my good friend Dr Dark.

Visit pledge music to see more projects like this, you can make it happen in your city if you pledge in advance. Thanks to the band and promoter for making this happen giving us a chance to see this truly magnificent band onstage in our rather apathetic city !

SP-CMC-25 cards > SP BBox > Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro > Adobe Audition ( remove excess applause , adjust levels and minor EQ > XACT SBE( LEVEL 8 )

Stealth mode centre stage 5 metres back .

The whole shebang was mixed, stirred ,cooked up and served up HOT on a flac by Godzgolfball.
Don't sell it , by the merchandise, by the music, share freely , listen to it LOUD for best results.