Crosby Stills and Nash Southern Cross tour 1991 Acoustic.
Festival Theatre Adelaide 1991-04-11.
Master tape transfer.
2 hrs 11 minutes.About a minute of applause and intractable mic noise during introductions and encores has been removed in total
Wasted on the Way
Military Madness
The Lee Shore
You Don't Have to Cry
Just a Song Before I Go
long introduction
Dont Say Goodbye
Helplessly Hoping
Marrakesh Express
Long Time Gone ( tape flip at end )
To the Last Whale...A. Critical Mass B. Wind on the Water ( some mic noises at start, due to tape flip, most have been removed or rendered very low level)
House of Broken Dreams ( some mic noise)
Try to Find Me
Thousand Roads
introduction Steve stills
Love the One You're With
For What It's Worth (tape flip at 1hr 32 sec )
Southern Cross
Wooden Ships
Our House
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
applause/instructions to sing
Teach Your Children
I recently met a fellow Deadhead in Adelaide and it turned out that at one time , from around 85 to 91, he'd been a taper, he wasnt that prolific, but he had recorded Dylan and Petty at Adelaide in 1986 and he had also caught CSN at the festival Theatre in 1991.
As far as I know there are no other recordings of this tour. He had reasonable equipment , a Sony recorder walkman with its own built in mic, and he made a very good job of this show ,even though he didn't have great seats.
Apart from a fair few mic bumps, rustling due to movement , this was pretty easy to sort out, it sounds very good ,theres quite a lot of laughter during the interludes between songs, but no chatter during songs at all. The guys are in great vocal form !!!!!! ( I didnt attend because they often could be dodgy vocally and also the festival theatre was, in those days, really bad acoustically for rock acts ) Im sorry I didnt go after hearing this recording.
There is virtually nothing to document this tour, no online reviews , no images, posters, tickets. The only thing I found were some backstage passes for the band members on eBay.
Amusingly , the taper went to a local hotel and found the three heroes enjoying some post chow refreshment, his request to sign some items was met with resentment by Nash ,Stills told him to fuck off and Crosby asked him to come back the next day ! However Steve redeemed himself to some extent by apologising afterwards !
Sony recorder walkman purchased in Japan in 1985 with built in mic or mics > Master tape transfer from Sony HF 90 tape ( I dont think lower end Sony walkmen could record to chromes at that time)
master tape transfer
Marantz SD 415 DECK> Mac pro 5.1 > Adobe audition 5.5 > minor multi band compression to add bottom end, the sound was rather thin, >acon digital declick to remove/lower applause> parametric and FFT filters to remove occasional mic bumps and rustles> the sound dropped after the audience cheered or called loudly during songs as I think the limiter was applied, this has been fixed and noise reduction applied on any extra hiss, its not hissy but it is an older recording. Left channel volume increased by 3+3b Flac transfer >XACT ( LEVEL 8 )
transferred , edit by godzgolfball
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