hallo met Ane (flipp022)

ik taped a legendary dutch band

cubby & blizzarrd, met me nieuwe self made microfoon en, en me nieuwe recorder

(sony flach recorder) Sony pcm-d50, die komt uit de USA, zelf in port,

IK WIL graag weten, hoe jullie die opnamen vinden en of het voor uit gegaan is,

met de kwaliteit van de opnamen,

het is opgenomen in de boerderij, stad zoetermeer,

op vrijdag 4 april 2008

I don't know the names of the songs, who can help !!!

ello with Ane (flipp022)

I taped a legendary dutch band

cubby & blizzarrd, with me new self maggot microphone and, and me new recorder

(sony flach recorder) Sony pcm-d50, which comes from the USAS, themselves in postage,

I WANTS gladly to know, how you that took find and if it gone for from is,

with the quality of the prerecordings,

it has been incorporated in the farm, city zoetermeer,

on Friday 4 April 2008

I don't know the names or the songs, WHO help can!!!