Curved Air - The Academy, Bournemouth, UK 24 April 2016
01 intro/Spider
02 Young Mother
03 Stay Human
04 Melinda More Or Less
05 Interplay
06 It Happened Today
07 Propositions
08 Screw
09 The Purple Speed Queen
10 Back Street Luv/band introductions
Lineage: Sony ECM-717>Yamaha Pocketrak 2G>USB>Audacity>Traders Little Helper
No EQ used, the PA was surprisingly quiet so I have had to boost the volume and levelled off the applause.
Short support set (yes the Renaissance recording is coming) and the mix was a little soft with the vocals & violin a bit buried at times. I've seen Curved Air about 6 times in recent years (plus once in 1976) and they're always a good show, go see them if you can.