Cyro Baptista & Friends
August 23, 2012
Zinc Bar
Manhattan, NY
Late Show

Source: AKG c460b/ck61 (DIN,DFC,15 Feet back) > TinyBox V2 > Sony PCM-M10 @24/44.1
Transfer: M10 > Soundforge 10.a > (+Gain; 24->16 bit dither using
iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping,High dither settings) > CD Wave > TLH > Flac

01. Chalaba
02. 21st Century Schizoid Man -> O Ovo -> Batida De Coco
03. Parar de fumar
04. Take It Easy My Brother Charlie
05. Frevo de Rua
06. American Constitution
07. Mr. Bugaloo

Cyro Baptista: Vocal, Percussion
Chikako Iwahori: Tap and Percussion
Tim Keiper: Drumset and Percussion
John Lee: Guitars
Brian Marsella: Piano
Z� Mauricio: Percussion
Gil Oliveira: Drumset and Percussion
Lisette Santiago: Percussion and Vocals
Nicholas Young: Tap and Percussion
Hassan Hakmoun: Vocal on Chalaba, Sintir

Record & Transfer: Michael Gagnon