Psychedelic Network Festival # 10
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 24 - 2017
Day # 1/Act # 2 (app. 19:10 -> 21:00)
from SEETHELIGHT7 collection # 876
Rec. Info:
DPA 4061 -> handmade Sandhoos battery box -> Zoom H2 (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> WeTransfer -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume adjustment only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...in warm waves on the italian shores...
Recorded by dear Lightseer at app. 0.55 meters from stage edge almost dead center. Excellent recording, almost nothing to complain. Bass gets a bit boomy sometimes, but that's just the
way it was. Nothing changed or equalized. A few pics and the setlist scan are included as well.
Spacey's notes on PNF#10:
As late November came by, it was time again for our "Psychedelic Musiclover Circle" for the usual "company excursion" into the deeper spaces or whirling orbits. Travel down the 400 kms
south was just as during the Motorpsycho "Tower" Tour...all rain rain rain... But somehow after passing the Kassel "mountains" it changed to almost springtime weather. From 4+ to 13+...
amazing to experience. After hooking up with the whole crew of eight in our marvellous cozy suites at the hotel with a lot of hugs marvellous nice talks it was showtime very early
that day in spiral visiuals and swirling/whirling/floating music. And...great it was from start to finish over these three daze extravaganza of "men in space".
Big thanks to the organzier, Horst, to the light crew, the sound crew and to all that very friendly nice Cairo crew. Again...wonderful...
Even more big hands/thanks to the bands for spacing our faces, a more than less attentive crowd (who was there for the music) and...well...
My dear beloved SPACECREW of brother Martin, Wolli, Joerg and the always forever "salt of the earth" Martin from Bochum. A hug from you means more to me than anything else. Brain damage...
not a DramaToLearn...you know...and of(f) course...my dear tapers/friends...Rackhir, Rendel, Miro, SeetheLight7..so great to see/meet you there. DANKE SCH�N. Ich fande es richtig klasse!
Some Statistics done...
SOLD OUT VENUE...150+ (sold out way before festival date)
TICKET PRICE (in advance only).. 50 Euros. F***ing cool. Thanks, Sunhair.
CATERING: no food, tasty dark beer was 2.30 Euros (a bottle of 0.33)
red or white wine for the same, non-alcohlic much cheaper. Good. Fresh water for free from a can into your glass. Great!
MERCHANDISE: A level up the stage, very very nice. Big room and a lot of space to talk and chat.
FOOD SUPPLY: Only a few meters of walk, turkish/vietnamese booths. Not the best, but ok.
TOILETS: A level below/or up the stage. Men's room were pretty good. I don't know about the others.
STAIRWAYS OF THE CAIRO (to the stars): Hahaha...you'll never gonna blow your trip forever until you made it downstairs.
That's much impressive and...keep your hands on the ceiling, you need that...upstairs/downstairs...believe me.
Spiraling out and over the surface of this planet for moments in space...and...once again we're all safely landing in that beautiful country of ITALIA. RED SUN already done that perfect
"paraglide" over the spheres, and this show will really take you over into the outer orbits of pure beauty and joy. SB.
FULL SHOW (108:47 min.)
01. Intro by Horst (2:13)
02. PNF jam (17:34) *
03. The calm and the storm -> (5:44)
04. Manta (5:08)
05. Revelation (7:01)
06. Dear Zahdia (6:22)
07. Down these grey clouds (6:31)
08. Nuovo pezzo (9:00)
09. Repentant blacksmith (10:29)
10. Floating (6:31)
XX. Space tide (on setlist, no played)
11. Merfolk (5:16)
12. Trepasses bay -> (5:15)
13. Peaceful place (9:52)
14. Encore call (1:15)
15. Sargassian way into definite blue (10:30)
* not on the setlist, but they use to start a show with a "short" jam.
facebook and other sites....
Support this amazing band, go to their shows, buy all their merch your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...burn like Rome...
DA CAPTAIN TRIPS at your service...
Cavitos - Guitar
Peppo - Bass
Sappah - Drums
Bachis - Synthesizer
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2017/12/06
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: