Dan Hicks & The Hot Licks
September 22, 2000 (2000-09-22)
Santa Cruz, California
EX+ quality stereo soundboard minidisc master
Transfer (grner1 - 2023-03-06): Sony MDS-S39 > Pro Tools (normalization, minor seamless fixes & tracking with sector boundaries verified) > .wav files > xAXT (Flac level 8 files, tagged).
01 intro 2:23
02 Canned Music 5:51
03 band intros 2:00
04 Where's The Money? 4:32
05 talk 1:32
06 Hell I'd Go 3:51
07 talk 1:21
08 Payday Blues 4:21
09 talk 0:27
10 Somebody Tell Me The Truth 5:28
11 talk 2:02
12 I've Got A Capo On My Brain 3:28
13 talk 1:52
14 Strike It While It's Hot 4:33
15 talk 1:04
16 Chattanooga Shoe-Shine Boy 4:31
17 Wild About My Lovin' 6:49
18 talk 0:32
19 Caravan > Four Brothers 4:39
20 talk 1:32
21 I Scare Myself 10:02
22 [cuts in] talk 0:26
23 How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away? 4:57
24 talk 1:53
25 How Come My Cello Don't Play For You? 4:59
26 talk 1:36
27 The Buzzard Was Their Friend 6:40
28 talk 0:49
29 At The End Of a Love Affair 3:41
30 talk 1:07
31 I Don't Want Love 3:48
32 finale vamp > encore break 2:13
33 talk 0:39
34 Milk Shakin' Mama 6:27
35 talk 1:07
36 Up! Up! Up! 4:14
37 final vamp and applause 2:03
total time - 119:29
Dan Hicks - vocals, rhythm guitar
Tom Mitchell - lead guitar, mandolin
Brian Godchaux - violin
Alan Gleason - upright bass
Debbie Key, Susan Rabon - backing vocals
Notes: The suggested switch point for burning CDRs is before track 22. Please support the artists and live venues any way that you can. Enjoy and SHARE!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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