23. Siegener ORGELWOCHEN
Friday 2017-09-08 Siegen, Sankt Martini-Kirche
Prof. Daniel Beckmann
01 introduction by Ulrich St�tzel (german) 5:22
not necessary to download
Marcel Dupre (1886-1971)
02 Prelude et Fugue en si majeur op. 7/1 6:52
03 Prelude et Fugue en fa mineur op. 7/2 7:26
04 Prelude et Fugue en sol mineur op, 7/3 7:16
Arvo Part (* 1935)
05 Spiegel im Spiegel (1978) 8:10
Julius Reubke (1834-1858)
06 Sonate c-Moll �Der 94. Psalm" 25:00
07 encore (mayby again Dupr�) 3:59
Zoom H2 120� - 20m from organ centre of the church - Wavelab - TLH - You
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