Danny Bryant
Waterfront Studio
Norwich, UK
7th June 2018
A Soledriver Recording...
Lineage: Sonics DSM-6 mics > Sony D8 DAT machine...
Tascam DA-20 Mk 2 DAT machine > HHb burnit CDr recorder...no EQ
CDr > EAC > Traders Little Helper > Flac8 sector aligned
A bit of mic interference right at the end of the set, but after the music finishes.
I must have disturbed the leads...tried to smooth things over in Audacity...
Don't let this put you off...it's almost unnoticeable...
I'm not a Blues expert so some song titles are dubious...any corrections gratefully accepted.
Some pics stolen from the net added in case anyone makes CD Covers...
01 - Bright Lights, Big City
02 - Someday The Rains Will Fall
03 - Sister Decline
04 - I Shall Be Released
05 - Truth Or Dare
06 - ?? (lyrics...She's Walking Through The Flames)
07 - On The Road Again
08 - Instrumental featuring solos from the band
09 - Isolate
10 - ** Prisoner Of The Blues
11 - Knocking On Heaven's Door
12 - Guilty Pleasures (??)
13 - Encore break...
14 - Don't Stop Me Talkin' (??)
Band members
Danny Bryant...Guitars/ Vocals
Alex Phillips...Bass
Dave Raeburn...Drums
Stevie Watts...Keyboards
Steve Townsley...Guitar on **
Feel free to do whatever you like with this recording as long as you don't charge money for it!
MP3, Who Cares? Just remember to support the artists, and live music!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: