Dark Star Orchestra
The Ritz
Raleigh, NC
16bit version
"Dark Star's Open Light"
Taped by rollwnirvana from the right side of balcony.
Mastering, track splitting and artwork done by theyodaddy from Hoarders Inc. Productions.
Lineage: Zoom H4n (WAV 24bit/96kHz)> SD card> Spectral Layers Pro3 to take out "amp overload hum and
sound of neighbor playing drums on the metal railing etc."> mastered in SoundForge 10e and some channel copying, a
few seconds at a time where necessary due to a ceiling fan distorting the capture in set 2 only> tracks cut
in CDWave> FLAC'ed at Level 8 and tested in TLH
Dark Star Orchestra :
Rob Barraco - keyboards, vocals
Rob Eaton - rhythm guitar, vocals
Dino English - drums, percussion
Rob Koritz - drums, percussion
Lisa Mackey - vocals
Jeff Mattson - lead guitar, vocals
Skip Vangelas - bass, vocals
Originally performed by the Grateful Dead at Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, CT on 1987-03-27.
Set 1:
01. crowd/ tuning
02. Alabama Getaway -> Greatest Story Ever Told
03. West L.A. Fadeaway
04. Little Red Roster
05. Brown-Eyed Women
06. Beat it on Down the Line
07. Tennessee Jed
08. The Music Never Stopped
Set 2:
09. band warm-up/ atmosphere
10. Touch of Grey
11. Samson & Delilah
12. Cumberland Blues
13. Estimated Prophet ->
14. Eyes of the World ->
15. Drums ->
16. Space ->
17. Uncle John's Band ->
18. Morning Dew
19. Johnny B. Goode
20. GD original performance date announcement
21. Mr. Charlie
22. Money Honey ->
23. The Weight
Note: Between sets we moved about five or so feet to the right. Consequently, the mics picked up some wind from a
ceiling fan which can be noticed from time to time.
A big thanks goes to theyodaddy for the time and effort put into the file work and artwork- it is once appreciated!
Please share only in lossless form. Do not sell this recording- trade it freely
For personal use, do what you want
Enjoy either way
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: