Dave Chappelle
Sunday, June 22nd 2014
Radio City Music Hall
1260 Avenue of Americas
New York, NY, USA
Taper: LeifH
Source: Sony PCM M10 @ 16/44.1 (internal mics) > Duracell 8GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Master's Edition (edits, amplify, tracking) > flac (8) via Frontend
Setlist: 1:12:25
01 The News
03 Bad Show
04 Family
05 Pussy
06 Snowball
07 Two Sons
I figured they'd be using those Garrett wands at this show, so I just brought my recorder and used internal mics since it was just comedy. When I got to the doors, the guy wanding my line just looked at me and said, "you're good." Alright. Donnell Rawlings and Charlie Murphy opened the show. Dave came on around 22:00, smoking what appeared to be a blunt. Later he would smoke a couple cigarettes on stage. I had a ticket in the second balcony and the recording turned out pretty good. Of the two shows I saw, I preferred this one. Dave seemed more into it.
They were extremely strict about any kind of cell phone use during the comedians' sets. After the show I almost missed the free t-shirts they were giving out at the exit. The next night I knew to stop at all the exits to grab t-shirts.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: