Dave Matthews Band
June 1, 2010
Molson Amphitheatre
Toronto, ON

Source: AT822 > DR-07 (WAV) > SDHC
Lineage: SDHC > CDWav > Trader's Little Helper (FLAC Level 8)

d1t01 You Might Die Trying
d1t02 Hello Again
d1t03 Seven
d1t04 Stay or Leave
d1t05 Shake Me Like A Monkey
d1t06 JTR
d1t07 Corn Bread
d1t08 You And Me
d1t09 Baby Blue
d1t10 Lying In The Hands Of God
d2t01 Jimi Thing
d2t02 Crash Into Me
d2t03 Why I Am
d2t04 Stay
d2t05 crowd
d2t06 Funny The Way It Is >
d2t07 Ants Marching

1. The set list was taken from


"Don't Drink The Water" wasn't recorded, and "You Might Die Trying" cuts in.

Taped by ChrisP. Tracked and uploaded by BradM (bradmcmail@yahoo.ca).