David Bowie
Freilichtb�hne, Bad Segeberg, Germany
June - 18 - 1983
Digital transfer from bootleg double LP (cover scans attached), Audience recording
Rec. Info:
bootleg LP -> transfer via Thorens TD 146 + Magix Music Cleaning Lab to harddisk -> Magix Music Cleaning Lab (remaster/edit) -> FLAC (44,1 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo) -> DIME
This is one of the best audience recordings from the Serious Moonlight Tour and it seems to be the complete show. I have made no EQ as this is a very balanced and clear
recording. Each instrument and especially David's voice come across very pronounced. The only things I made is to correct some sound levels and most of the clicks.
I bought this double album right after it was released so it must have been the first pressing of the recording. The album cover has the following extra info:
It's a great show with David in very good mood and it provides the rarely played Red Sails. I attended the show in Frankfurt on 20.05.1983 which was one of the first of the whole tour.
Setlist, length 111:16 min.
01 - The Jean Genie (Intro) -> Star
02 - "Heroes"
03 - What In The World
04 - Golden Years
05 - Fashion
06 - Let's Dance
07 - Red Sails
08 - Breaking Glass
09 - Life On Mars
10 - Sorrow
11 - Cat People
12 - China Girl
13 - Scary Monsters
14 - Rebel Rebel
15 - White Light/White Heat
16 - Station To Station
17 - Cracked Actor
18 - Ashes To Ashes
19 - Space Oddity
20 - band introduction
21 - Young Americans
22 - TVC 15
23 - Fame
24 - Stay
25 - The Jean Genie
26 - encore call
27 - Modern Love
Support the artists, go to their shows, buy their albums.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. Don't ever sell!
Tour band Serious Moonlight 1983:
David Bowie - vocals, guitar, saxophone
Earl Slick - guitar
Carlos Alomar - guitar
Carmine Rojas - bass guitar
Tony Thompson - drums, percussion
Dave Lebolt - keyboards, synthesizers
Steve Elson - saxophones
Stan Harrison - saxophones, woodwinds
Lenny Pickett - saxophones, woodwinds
George Simms - backing vocals
Frank Simms - backing vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Stacheleber 2014/03/01
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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