David Byrne
October 6, 2008
Davies Symphony Hall
San Francisco, CA
A Listen to the Tom Leykis Show Release
Taped by; Can Michigan win again this year
Equipment: Sony MZ-R70-Church audio Mics-Battery Box
Transfer-Sony MZ_R70-Line in-Audacity-Roxio 9-DB PowerAmp-FLAC
Taping Location-Overlooking the stage, stage right (LOge)02. Strange Overtones
Mostly complete show, (had to miss a couple of solo songs). Decent sounding, as I was
in the Balcony, about even with the speaker stack, looking down on the left side of
the stage, (Probably one of the best seats in the house)
THis was one of my favorite shows, as he had the crowd up and dancing for most of the
show. This was a venue that I felt out of place in, (me at a fancy symphony hall was
different, but I could not complain about where my seat was.)
As always dont sell and share it freely.