David Gray
(w/ Los Angeles Philharmonic - Bramwell Tovey, conductor)
Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood, Ca
July 18, 2015
source : assistive listening device (mono)
taper : benchboy
transfer : markp
01 intro by Bramwell Tovey
02 Birds of the High Arctic
03 Sail Away
04 Jackdaw
05 The One I Love
06 Slow Motion
07 Nightblindness
08 This Year's Love
09 Babylon
10 Please Forgive Me
11 thanks
12 Alibi
A simple thanks is not really needed or requested as I will take the fact that you downloaded it as thanks, any comments on the show or the band or the recording is always nice.
this recording is in 24/48
Here is a link to what seems to be a user friendly piece of freeware to change sample rate should you wish
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: