David Grisman Quartet
Stanford University Theatre
Palo Alto,California
Unknown Soundboard Lineage,Tape:TDK SA-90
Transfer By Keo
Nakamichi MR-1>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6MHz
Transfer/Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked
with AudoGate Software to 32 Bit/96 kHz
Dithered with Korg Aqua to 16/44
SBE's checked/Fixed with Trader's Little Helper
2.Hello Everybody
3.Dawg Funk
4.Hot Dawg
6.Gypsy Medley
9.Gator's Strut....(Tape Flip) *
10....Cedar Hill *
12.Happy Birthday Bill Monroe,Here Today
13.On And On
14.Honey My Walking Shoes Don't Fit Me Any More
15.Out Of Joint
16.Opus 57
* Some loss of music at the song's in the tape flip.
Etree lists tracks 11 + 12 differently (switched) but
tape runs through with no cuts so I changed accordingly.
Comments:Thanks to Floater for the source tapes!What a joy to
transfer this great DGQ set and a nice Soundboard to boot!Very
minimal hiss on this tape so no Dolby applied to this transfer!
Big thanks to Nicki who on her Birthday was patient with me while
working on this transfer!I think the transfer came out sweet IMO.
As always ENJOY!