David Grissom Band
Saxon Pub, Austin, Texas
April 11, 2017 (Happy 59th to me!)
Edirol R09-HR in shirt pocket, 200 Hz bass rolloff, quite nice recording
David Grissom: Guitar, vocals
Carter Arrington: Guitar
Scott Nelson: Bass
Kirk Covington: Drums, vocals
01 Instrumental 1
02 Song 1
03 Chat 1
04 Song 2
05 Instrumental 2
06 Chat 2
07 Song 3
08 Song 4
09 Chat 3
10 Instrumental 3
11 Chat 4
12 In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
13 Song 5
14 Song 6
Powerful performance by the powerful guitarist for Joe Ely, John Mellencamp,
the Allman Bros., Lucinda Williams, Ringo Starr, and so on. He's a competent
lyricist and a reasonable vocalist, but this is not singer-songwriter music.
I'm happy to just tag them "instrumental 1," "song 1," "chat 1," and so on.
(If you know the titles, though, please do mention them in the comments.) I
make the one exception for his glorious cover of the Allmans' "In Memory of
Elizabeth Reed," the 12th track.
If you have a convertible and you live where there's nice weather, you could
do worse than cranking this down the highway with the top down. Beautiful women
will follow you, in fact, so. At least roll the windows down, ferchrissake.
Apologies for the woman immediately to my left who clapped in the Edirol's
line of fire. I actually took a shot at selecting and de-escalating each of
her claps, but down that road lie only madness. Too harmful to the music.
It's just a few seconds at the end of each song, and at least she's centered
well so it doesn't just throw off one side. And thank every deity ever thought
up that she doesn't sing along. Whew.
This is one of the Saxon Pub's many amazing free happy hours. The next time
you're in Austin, go to the Saxon Pub and throw some money in the pickle jar
next to the stage. If you do that on a Tuesday, you just might get some David
Grissom in your ears.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: