Artist: David Sylvian
Recording date: 1988 April 04
Location: Mandeville Auditorium, San Diego, CA
Source: audience
Ancient Evening
Before the Bullfight
Taking the Veil
Weathered Wall
The Boy with the Gun
River Man (tape flip)
The Grand Parade
band intro
The Ink in the Well
Forbidden Colours
Brilliant Trees
Steel Cathedrals (cut)
David Sylvian
Richard Barbieri
Steve Jansen
Mark Isham
David Torn
Ian Maidman
Robby Aceto
Lineage: Aiwa mics -> Aiwa deck -> cassette -> Nak DR-1 (azimuth adj) -> Audigy 5/Rx -> Audacity -> CD Wave Editor -> FLAC 1.3 -> you
This torrent is incompatible with the CD-Audio standard. The sound is in 24-bit stereo sampled at 96 kHz.
Notes, rambles, etc.:
Fifth row center.
Didn’t capture the encores. I only brought one tape. Doh!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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