Dean Ween Group
The Heath at the McKittrick
New York, NY
June 15, 2015
Nakamichi CM-300/Edirol R-09HR/WAV/xACT/FLAC
1. intro
2. Ice Castles
3. Don�t Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
4. Buckingham Green
5. Superstar
6. Homo Rainbow
7. Mister, Would U Please Help My Pony?
8. I Saw Gener Cryin� In His Sleep
9. Transdermal Celebration
10. Final Alarm
11. Put The Coke On My Dick
12. Pandy Fackler
13. Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)
14. Help Me Scrape The Mucus Off My Brain
15. It�s Gonna Be A Long Night
16. Did You See Me
17. Garry
18. She Fucks Me
19. Bananas & Blow
20. With My Own Bare Hands
21. The Mollusk
22. The Rift
23. break
24. Wavin� My Dick In The Wind
25. Hey There Fancypants
26. Roses Are Free
27. outro
Throw a stone into a river, and for a moment it divides � but then it rejoins itself, and its path continues unabated, roaring through the countryside towards the sea.
For a while after Gene Ween took an axe to the brownest quasi-jam band of the 1990s, Dean Ween played shows under the �Dean Ween Group� moniker with a revolving roster of musicians. Many of these shows were tremendous, but you couldn�t help missing Claude Coleman�s drumming, Dave Dreiwitz�s bass work, Glenn McClelland making strange psychedelic shapes out of the black keys on his synthesizer. Well, earlier this year Deaner decided enough was enough, and got all the boys back together � sans Gener, of course � for what was billed on my ticket as �Dean Ween Group (4/5 of Ween).� That sounds about right: the band was diminished, noticeably, but still mighty. Heck, close your eyes � as you�ll have to, effectively, listening to this show in audio form � and you might not even notice Gene isn�t there.
Cards on the table: there was a mild disappointment for those of us who�d been following the DWG shows and enjoying the new, mean-spirited, rock-very-hard numbers Dean had been churning out. No more of that � these new shows were all Ween, all the time. Save for a previously-unheard instrumental called �Garry� (I hope I�m spelling that right) the setlist was more or less the show Ween, in an alternate universe where they�d never split, would be playing in 2015: the classics, plus some weird and wonderful detours into Claude-land like �Put The Coke On My Dick,� the whole dangerous concoction spiked with magically wobbly excursions into brownitude in �Did You See Me� and �The Rift.� �I Saw Gener� and �Hey There Fancypants� were sweet and giddy; �It�s Gonna Be A Long Night� and �With My Own Bare Hands� full of lock-up-your-daughters horniness; �Final Alarm� and �She Fucks Me� absolutely perfect as always. It�s not the music Deaner was experimenting with � it�s precisely the music he probably should have been making all along. Which, even with the band trading off vocals and none of them able to match Gener�s effortless delivery, is good enough for me.
The venue was weird, upstairs from the all-night loon-a-thon �Sleep No More� and laid out like an Elks Hall or VFW Lodge. The sound was pretty good, though, and my mics � an old pair of Naks I inherited from a retired Dead taper � were placed fairly well considering I had no experience recording in the room previously. There�s a sample, and I hope you�ll like it.
As always, convert and remaster and post and share, whatever whatever whatever. But support Dean Ween, and for that matter Gene Ween, and the various side projects of Ween if they�re still viable, and buy records from all bands you love and purchase merch at every show you go to. Live music remains the best thing in the world: let�s support it with every ounce of energy, and cash, we can spare. Enjoy the tape!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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DeanWeenGroup2015-06-15HeathAtTheMcKittrickNYC (4).JPG
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