Debashish Bhattacharya. Zoo Stage Botanic Park Adelaide
Womadelaide Festival
no set list
Debashish Bhattacharya : Chaturangui (22-string slide guitar) & Anandi (4-string slide ukelele)
Anandi Bhattacharya :vocals, tampura
Tanmoy Bose :Tabla ,vocals
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP 12 volt BB > sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav > Mac Pro hd > Audition (remove excess applause , wind noise , adjust levels and minor EQ >XACT ( LEVEL 8) SBE
Stealth mode about 8 metres back left of centre.
Taped, transferred and mixed by godzgolfball
don’t sell PLEASE.
Do not distribute for trade in Mp3 format.
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