The Decemberists
Songs for Doomed Mothers
The Eastern, Atlanta, Georgia
Taper: MrFender
A Better Than Nothing production.
Recorded FOB and a matrix of:
- CA14 Cards > CA9100 Preamp > Line-In Tascam DR2d (24/96)
- Internal Mics > Tascam DR2d (24/96)
- Audacity to amplify line in to match the internal mics, track & downsample to 16/44 / FLAC Level 6
A Peaceable Kingdom tour
1)Intro Music
2)My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist
3)Leslie Anne Levine
4)Shankill Butchers
5)Don't Carry It All
6)Colin Pushes the New Record
7)Burial Ground
8)The Crane Wife 1
9)Make You Better
10)Colin Taking and Tuning
11)Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing
12)Horn Section Improv
13)h No!
14)olin Misses The Tabernacle
15Long White Veil
16)Shoe Tying Music >
17)The Sporting Life
18)Sucker's Prayer
19)16 Military Wives
20)A Beginning Song
21) Encore Noise
22)Joan in the Garden
A great show as alway by Colin and the crew and a full house as well at the Eastern. Early in the tour and everyone seemed to be in really good spirits. The new songs sound good with of course the big finale of Joan in the Garden. The band opens for the first three songs with low mood lighting and footlights that make it look like a 1800s theater. They all huddle around to play and the effect works great with their songs.
Joan in the Garden - love the opening and ending segments but the middle "70s prog rock" drug on for 5 minutes. Not sure which was more of a grind this or a 70s era drum solo. The mix was loud, very loud. Like super hair metal loud. Ear plugs that take off 22db didn't do much. Not sure what was going on there.
Have not had a lot of luck with the DR2d and dual external mics so just went with the Line In for the cards and hoped for the best with the internals. Stuck the deck and pre-amp in my shirt pocket and the sound came out remarkably well. Overall very pleased with the results.
Enjoy, MrFender.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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