Deep Purple, 2007-04-28, Wembley Arena, London, UK
Audience recording of greeneb
Downloaded from the Deep Purple hub @
Respect And Respectability
Ian Gillan - Vocals
Roger Glover - Bass Guitar
Ian Paice - Drums
Steve Morse - Lead Guitar
Don Airey -?? Keyboards
Special Guest
Tommy Shaw (Styx) �?? Guitar & Vocals
01. Intro
02. Pictures Of Home
03. Things I Never Said
04. Into The Fire
05. Strange Kind Of Woman
06. Rapture Of The Deep
07. Fireball
08. Steve Morse solo
09. The Well Dressed Guitar
10. When A Blind Man Cries
11. Don Airey solo
12. Lazy
01. The Battle Rages On
02. Space Truckin�??
03. Highway Star
04. Steve Morse & Tommy Shaw jam
05. Smoke On The Water [Guest: Tommy Shaw]
06. Hush ~ Ian Paice solo
07. Roger Glover solo
08. Black Night
Cover Art in the pack
Things He Definitely Said
As the band started playing ??Things I Never Said??, Gillan became agitated by one of the stewards, in an orange high visibility jacket, who was sending people back from the front of stage and the aisles, thereby preventing them from enjoying themselves. He tried attracting the steward�??s attention and when he did, he gave him a signal which was supposed to direct him and his colleagues away from the front of stage. Unfortunately, the steward misread the signal and thought Gillan was objecting to people taking photographs, consequently he ran down along the side of the barrier signalling to people to put their cameras away and sit down. Gillan saw this and shouted �??Oi!�?? after him and then proceeded to climb down off the stage, all the while continuing to sing but managing to squeeze ??F*** Off!?� in between the lyrics. He then disappeared into the pit and out of sight completely, arriving back on stage approx 40 seconds later, having not missed a beat!
Later in the show, Gillan alludes to the staff not treating the customers with respect and to them acting like children.
Enjoy! ;)
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