Deep Purple
25 July 2015
Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, New York
recorded by spitback
Recording: Schoeps MK41s > Nbob actives > Tinybox (OT) > Sony PCM-M10
Transfer: SD Card > 24/96 Wav > usb > iMac > Audacity > 16/44.1 Aiff > xAct > FLAC (level 8)
Location: Center VIP platform behind sound board
Ian Paice-drums
Roger Glover-bass
Ian Gillan-Vocals
Steve Morse-guitars
Don Airey-keyboards
01) Highway Star
02) Apre Vous
03) Hard Lovin' Man
04) Strange Kind of Woman
05) Vincent Price
06) Contact Lost > Uncommon Man > Well Dressed Guitar
07) The Mule
08) Lazy
09) Hell to Pay
10) Keyboard Solo
11) Perfect Strangers
12) Space Truckin'
13) Smoke on the Water
14) (Encore Break)
15) Green Onions
16) Hush
17) Black Night
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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