Monsters of Naermberch Vol. 10
Festsaal K4, Nuernberg, Germany
December - 26 - 2014
Act # 3
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 187
Rec. Info:
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> We Transfer-> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded at first row at unusal right side of stage (as on left was the entrace area) by the FUZZMAN. All well and fine on this recording, nothing to complain. No chatters, no
other disturbances. A few nice pics by SEETHELIGHT7 are included as well...
December 26th:
GREEN BOOTS CAVE (Lauf, Germany) taped
THE STRIGGLES (Graz, Austria) taped
DESERT SUN (Naermberch, Frankonia) taped
SEVEN THAT SPELLS ORKESTRA (Zagreb, Croatia) taped
December 27th
FAIRY DUSTER (Naermberch, Frankonia) NOT taped
TOMYDEEPESTEGO (Roma, Italia) taped
PoiL (Lyon, France) taped
MONOMYTH (Den Haag, Nederland) taped
OBELYSKKH (Naermberch, Frankonia) NOT taped
Ticket admission fee: 25 Euros for both days
Participation: Packed on friday, less on saturday (maybe due to the weather conditions)
Alrighty fellow lovers of the STONER ROCK. This one is for you. Legendary DESERT SUN from Fuerth, not Nuernberg (I have to apologize) were up again for this magical 10th
MONSTERS OF NAERMBERCH, and of course, in contrast to the football rivaly between the FCN and SVF luckily nobody was harmed besides smashing their bodies to this great music.
Have I said, I feel home into this music here? Yeah, while not everything was really fine, the opening and closing section with the long tunes are just amazingly fine.
The band was on the run between 2000->2009, in those daze that STONER ROCK did not develope to its actual position in the music world. The former releaes are free downloads
on bandcamp, so you might get a listen before. But: All main tracks on this recording are well beyond their "studio" tracks.
Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen, lighten one up, and off it goes into stoner heaven...SB.
FULL SHOW (89:49 min.)
01. Intro -> Uneasy (7:31)
02. Comedown (11:05)
03. Stage banter (0:53)
04. The line (4:07)
05. Aborted start to... (1:06)
06. Fortified (3:57)
07. Stage banter (1:20)
08. Between us (7:26)
09. Stage banter/Tuning (1:59)
10. Cannelloni ride -> (3:10)
11. She rides (6:13)
12. Le wave (3:54)
13. Trinkpause (1:37)
14. You'll be mine (5:52)
15. Once (13:18)
16. Encore call (2:43)
17. Into purple (13:30)
free downloads at bandcamp...
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy blog/tracker use. Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free.
If you sell...drown in a barrel of frankonian beer!
Sorry, no details about the lineup.
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2014/01/02
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
DesertSun2014-12-26FestsaalK4NuernbergGermany (7).JPG
DesertSun2014-12-26FestsaalK4NuernbergGermany (8).JPG
DesertSun2014-12-26FestsaalK4NuernbergGermany (9).JPG