Dewey Redman / Don Cherry Band
Live at Jazzfest Saalfelden/A
SOURCE: Dime post by 'ricola' - thanks !!
FM BROADCAST>Tape Deck Yamaha>Audio tape transfer to CD,
SOUND: A (solid FM, listen to mp3 samples)
Changes Made (Nero 7):
Mono R channel only, used better sounding & without most of the hum on left channel
Reduced volume peak at 0.18 and the last 3 min of tr01 by 3dB
Nero noise print NR at a low setting so music is not affected
- worked well although a low level hum buzz is still just audible
Fixed volume bursts ranging from less than 1 sec to 3 min
EQ, +2dB bass lift
Cut last 5 sec (tr01) & first 5 sec (tr02) to eliminate loud hum tone
Cut silences at beginning and end of most tracks
Cross-faded tracks to smooth transitions
Quality: Definitely an A+
This is a wonderful mono recording which had an imperfect stereo transfer that was easy to fix,
so now you have a great concert, with especially Motian and Haden giving an object lesson to
modern rhythm teams (Parker & Drake come to mind) on how to give a toe-tapping propulsion to the
music and lead the beat rather than lag slowly behind...
...Enjoy !!
Charlie Haden: bass
Dewey Redman: ts
Don Cherry: tp
Paul Motian: dr
Tracks (65:14)
1. 13.26 ?
2. 16.15 Lonely Woman (Coleman)
3. 11.13 The Sphinx (Coleman)
4. 16.38 Song for Che (Coleman)
5. 07.38 Guinea (Cherry)