Dewey Redman Trio
Koncepts Cultural Gallery
Oakland, California, USA

Dewey Redman: alto and tenor saxophones, musette
Andre St. James: bass
Eddie Moore: drums

“This set is dedicated to the late, great Dexter Gordon.”

01) Track 01
02) Solidarity (Don Cherry)
03) Blues for J.A.M. - Part 1
04) Half Nelson (Miles Davis)
05) [switch to musette]
06) Moroccan Romance
07) Boo Boodoop
08) Track 08

Non-Sony Walkman-style cassette recorder with little stereo clip mike -> Maxell XL II-S 90 -> Technics RS-TR170 Cassette Deck -> Logic Express -> some compression, eq -> (dithering) AIFF (16/44.1) -> iTunes (added tags) -> xACT -> FLAC16