Dinosaur Jr.
Hilvarenbeek, The Netherlands
Best Kept Secret
18. Juni 2016
7.30 p.m.
Festival Day 02
Stage Two
minimax master-series #622
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: front row
Sound-quality: excellent- ???
Equipment: Zoom H4N without Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8, just recorded with its included microphones !!!
concert-info: Day two of this years' Best Kept Secret, some showers and some sunny spells. And at 7.30 p.m. the Dinsaur entered the stage. J. got seated and told us that he's very ill, couldn't stand, but also didn't want to cancel this gig. So we all got the last Dino-show � as they cancelled the rest from this leg of the tour.
I was so sceptical about seeing them again as last time -three years ago � all my three Dino-shows were kind of a big sound-bullshit � but this time they made it well � and the longer they played the better it got and Mr. Minimax shook his stupid head in a much more stupid way. Loved it. Got my ticket for the Cologne-show later this year immediately after this weekend.
Including Cover-Artwork!
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
No MP3 please!
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