Dinosaur Jr. at Northlands Live, Cheshire Fairgrounds, Swanzey, NH, May 22, 2021, incomplete audience recording.
This was recorded with a Zoom H2, internal rear mics. Wav sent to Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 12. Magix program was used for track markings and volume increase. Flac created with Trader's Little Helper, SBE and torrent work also done with TLH.
Track listing:
01 - To Be Waiting cut in
02 - I Met The Stones
03 - Just Like Heaven
04 - I Ain't
05 - Garden
06 - I Ran Away
07 - Start Choppin'
08 - Out There
09 - Feel The Pain
10 - The Wagon
11 - Tarpit
12 - Freak Scene
13 - Gargoyle
14 - Budge
15 - Kracked
16 - Sludgefest
This was recorded from section D12 - these chicks don't even know the name of my band. I went with a couple of friends, and we chat a little. We're at our worst during "I Ran Away" and "Start Choppin.'" I try to keep the recorder out of it. For some of the recording, the recorder is on the ground, at the front of our little area. I should've left it there, but I'm always skeptical about having the mics too low to the ground. The evening wasn't windy, but there is some phasing/shifting from me moving the recorder around, as well as the light breezes. We were late getting in, so this recording is missing the first five minutes or so, completely missing the first two songs, starting while the third is in progress. I removed some in between song crowd noise between tracks 04 and 05. I also removed all of the crowd noise before the encores - no music or stage noise is lost. I also included over 40 cell phone photos - some are pretty cool. The woods and mountains behind the band made very nice scenery, mosquitoes aside.
I started typing this up the day after the show. A week later, while listening to it, I'm still not sure I want to share it. There are plenty of phasing issues, and my friends and I really mess the recording up at times. It was a situation where I know my friends aren't tapers, and I couldn't wander off, like I usually would do. I didn't want to tell my peeps to shut up, and, honestly, I was enjoying a night out with my friends above all else. So, I hope y'all can still find some enjoyment in listening to it. For the last 30 minutes or so (starting during track 11), I put the recorder back on the ground at the front of our pod. The chatting voices are a lot more buried, and the phasing issues are lessened. Anyway, I wasn't going to share it, but I listened to it with my wife, and she helped me decide that if anybody might appreciate it, it should be out there. Live recordings from 2021 are few, but that's evidently going to change pretty soon.
Enjoy - I'll accept criticism, but I already told you what's wrong with it. If anybody else captured this, an upgrade would be appreciated. Usually, I'm the one complaining about people talking at the show...
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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