Disco Biscuits
10/31/10 - Sunday
Charlottesville Pavilion, Charlottesville, VA

Archnemesis opened, Bonobo played between sets

16 bit recording, 24 bit also available

Set I:
3-One Of These Days*
4-Shem-Rah Boo(1) >
5-Digital Buddha(1) >
6-Moshi Fameus >
7-Catalyst >
8-On Time >

Set II:
12-Strobelights and Martinis >
13-Cyclone >
14-Little Betty Boop(3) >
15-Bombs >
16-Abraxas(4) >
17-Gangster >
E: 19-Portal To An Empty Head

* - First time played, Pink Floyd cover
1 - Unfinished
2 - End only
3 - Middle only
4 - Inverted

Source: CA-CAFS(Omnis split 5') > STC-9000(+10db) > DR-07(LineIn, Vol@7) > WAV(24bit/48khz) > Audacity1.3.11b(amplified to -.01db, dithered) > WAV(16bit/44.1khz) > CD Wave Editor(tracked) > FLAC8(TLH)

Location: ~3' ROC, ~5' FOB, ~7.5' high

Notes: Setlist taken from phantasytour.com. The band also played a late night show at the Jefferson Theater billed as Tractorbeam. The recording from 0:00-11:01 was amplified separately due to a volume edit during recording but the transition is not significant. The right channel came out a little low so it was boosted 1db in post.
