Dixie Dregs, 1992-02-19 The Birchmere, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
(AUD)(A)(77 mins)
01 - Tuneups / Band Introduction
02 - Road Expense
03 - Assembly Line
04 - Holiday
05 - Country Hosue Shuffle
06 - Steve Talks
07 - Kat Food
08 - The Hereafter
09 - Divided We Stand
10 - Bloodsucking Leeches (cuts in)
11 - Little Kids
12 - I'm Freaking Out
13 - The Bash
14 - Cruise Control

Guitar: Steve Morse
Drums: Rod Morgenstein
Keys: T Lavitz
Bass: Dave Larue
Violin: Allen Sloan

Thanks very much to lowella for providing the recording - I just did the setlist and seeded it.

If you have any Dregs or Steve Morse shows not on my list, please seed. I'm particularly seeking Dixie Dregs and Steve Morse video.
