Don Cherry Quintet
Saalfelden JazzFest
Saalfelden, Austria
1 Sept 1984
Don Cherry: pocket trumpet, piano, vocals
Jim Pepper: tenor sax, vocals
Colin Walcott: percussion, sitar
Jean Pierre Coco: percussion
Brice Ouwasse: drums
track 1 29:47
01 - unidentified (15:30)
02 - Naima (John Coltrane) (3:33)
03 - Butterfly friend (Don Cherry) (7:42)
04 - unidentified (3:06)
track 2 16:14
05 - Witchi-Tai-To (Jim Pepper) (7:07)
06 - War Dance (Jim Pepper) (2:53)
07 - Togo (Ed Blackwell) (6:13)
track 3 28:35
08 - Desireless (Don Cherry) (11:50)
09 - Off Minor / Ruby my dear (Thelonious Monk) (7:21)
10 - Malinye (Don Cherry) (2:18)
11 - Hey Bamako (Jim Pepper) / It's your love (that makes me higher) (7:05)
track 4 5:18
12 - Ya-Na-Ho and other Indian chants (Jim Pepper) (5:17)
Total time 79:54
Track times per playback on Foobar2000, but song duration (and titles) per internet research; as a result, there are some slight discepancies.
Source: Unknown, but believed to be something like: sbd>?>cdr>eac(secure mode)>flac(level 8)
Comments on DimeADozen:
mrbaronius (DIME seeder): "This came to me with a notation that it's a soundboard recording, but with any old recording such as this, who knows. There is a little hiss, so I suspect this may have been mastered from a cassette. At any rate, it's a wonderful show that I can listen to day after day."
johan: "Saalfelden JF is always on a weekend immediately before or after 31 Aug/1 Sep). Note some lists have this as Sep 1. As Sep 1 & 3 1984 was a Saturday resp Monday, the Sep 1 is probably the correct date." johan also provided a setlist.
Downloaded from DimeADozen, Sept-05 (seeded by mrbaronius). Setlist and covers are from internet research & Dime comments by johan.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: