Don McLean

Hard Rock Club, Manchester, England

Lineage: 1975 FM broadcast in Finland -> Cassette -> PC -> Audacity -> TLH (SBEs, FLACs)
Transfer: Arcana Aug. 2010
Quality: A, FM
No Artwork

01. Intro
02. Bronco Bill's Lament
03. Empty Chairs
04. La La Love You
05. American Pie
06. Homeless Brother
07. Respectable
08. Banjo Warm Up (incl. tape flip)
09. Over The Mountains
10. Masters Of War
11. The Legend Of Andrew McCrew
12. Babylon
13. This Little Light Of Mine
14. Vincent

TRT: 57.33 min

This seems to be floating in mp3 format around the net. I don't collect Don McLean so I don't know how this compares with other lossless FM recordings/transfers of this show, but since this a master tape version, I thought it might be worth sharing. I've seen this listed also as 1975-05-10.

Arcana, Aug. 2010