Donald Fagen, Ollabelle & Pheobe Snow
"Woodstock Night"
February 3, 2007
Bearsville Theater
Woodstock, New York
Liberated CD Silver Set
Lineage: Soundboard -> CD Silvers -> EAC ->
FLAC Frontend Level 8 -> Trader's Little Helper
NOTES from "Ports" - who procured the silvers:
Many thanks to Buttmanos, Lurker Ray, and others in helping to
find and liberate all the new Steely Dan related material the last
few months. I am very happy to be able to add the second show I
was able to obtain. I had seen camera phone video of parts of this
concert and have been in search of a good recording for a long time.
I must say the one I did find is a spectacular stereo soundboard of
a fantastic evening. I had not heard of Ollabelle but they are very
good Americana style roots rock band.
Then they bring out special guests Donald Fagen and Phoebe Snow.
Donald is great along with Jon Herington doing a few tune�s that
sound stripped down without the usual horn section. This offers
a little different sound for his songs than normally heard�very
Phoebe Snow is utterly fantastic and this has a perfect version of
her singing Dirty Work. We truly lost a special voice in Phoebe.
Jon Herington�s guitar work accompanying her is a revelation (dare
I say sumptuous). Very different style to what we normally hear
�almost late 70�s George Benson. Hope you all enjoy. Special thanks
again to Buttmanos for his time and hard work to get this out to all
of you.
NOTES from Buttmanos -
I was at this show, personally, and seeded my own audience recording
with permission of Ollabelle. In fact it Was my first seed ever on
The Traders Den. Nice to come "full circle" by helping Mr. Ports seed
his newly procured Soundboard, which for whatever reason was being
sold overseas. Never circulated in the USA -- until now.
Set 1 - Ollabelle:
- Aint No More Cane
- Gone Today
- Soul of a Man
- Everything is Broken
- Get Back Temptation
- High on a Mountain
- Fall Back
- Brokedown Pallace
- Riverside
- Something Real
- Tossin and Turnin
Set 2 - ENTER DONALD FAGEN & PHEOBE SNOW...with Jon Herrington on guitar,
and the Ollabelle band:
- Black Friday
- Green Flower Street
- The Nightfly
- A Song For You
- Baby, I Love You
- Home at Last
- New Frontier
- Dirty Work
- Poetry Man
- It's All In The Game
- Viva Rock N Roll
- Nobody's Fault But Mine
- Workin in a Coal Mine
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: