Donna The Buffalo
10/02/2010 - Saturday - 9:10 PM
Sun Music Hall, Floyd, VA

16 bit fileset, 24 bit also available

Set I:
2-Way Back When
3-Beauty Within
4-Look to the Future
5-Love and Gasoline
6-Positive Friction
7-Part-Time Lover
8-Locket and Key >
9-Family Picture
10-It's Love Time
11-JB Jam/Tuning
12-I'll Be Gone
13-Conscious Evolution
14-Tides Of Time
15-"5 Minute Break"

Set II:
17-Ding Dang Dong >
18-Hot Tamale Baby
20-Tonight, Tomorrow, and Yesterday
21-If You Only Could
22-This Goes
23-Blue Sky
24-New Jeb Song
25-No Place Like the Right Time
E: 27-Everyday
28-I Like to Do My Thing

Source: CA-CAFS(Omnis ORTF) > DR-07(MicIn, Vol6, GainLo, Phantom) > WAV(24bit/48khz) > Audacity1.3.11b(peaks reduced, amplified to -.01db, dithered) > WAV(16bit/44.1khz) > CD Wave Editor(tracked) > FLAC8(TLH)

Location: ~3' ROC, ~5' FOB, ~8' high

Notes: The show was going to be one long set but the band had to take a very short break to fix some equipment issues. Thanks to for the setlist. The new Jeb song is untitled. Peaks reduced during Set I at 38:50:39 and Set II at 1:06:04. Right channel amplified separately.
