Donna The Buffalo
The Narrows Center
Fall River, Massachusetts
February 5, 2016 � Friday

Matrix: Soundboard Patch Bay + AKG c4000 > Tascam DR-680 [24/48]
Mastered in WaveLab 6.01 with iZotope Ozone 5.0
Green Mountain Bros.

** 24 Bit **

1. Way Back When
2. If You Only Could
3. Heaven Of The Earth
4. No Reason Why
5. Hit The Groove
6. What Money Can't Buy
7. All Aboard
8. One Day At A Time
9. Everyday
10. Miss Mauldry >
11. Revelation Two-Step
12. Do You Believe In Magic
13. Love And Gasoline >
14. Family Picture
15. It's Just Me
16. Silverlined
17. Bloody Mary Morning
18. Locket And Key >
19. Arrows Pointing Sideways
20. On Our Way On (Tara and Jeb)
21. Standing Room Only

Time: 2:23:24