Donna The Buffalo
Suwanee Roots Revival 1
Spirit Of The Suwanee Music Park
Live Oak FL
2016-10-15 Saturday
Source: Schoeps 4VCMC6s > Lunatec V3 > Sony D8
Location: Center FOB
Transfer: PCM R500 > Tascam CDRW900 - direct digital transfer > CD > CD Wave > TLH
Recorded by madtaper
d1t01 -intro-
d1t02 Garden Of Eden
d1t03 Silverlined
d1t04 Heaven And The Earth
d1t05 The Ones You Love
d1t06 Revelation Two-Step
d1t07 -break a string-
d1t08 Conscious Evolution
d1t09 Look Before You Cross My Heart
d1t10 Embrace The Pain
d2t01 Family Picture
d2t02 -blessings upon you-
d2t03 Do You Believe In Magic
d2t04 Forty Days And Forty Nights
d2t05 -tuning-
d2t06 I Believe
d2t07 All Aboard
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Vocals
Tara Nevins - Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine
Dave McCracken - B3, Clavinet
Kyle Spark - Bass, Backing Vocals
Mark Raudabaugh - Drums
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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