Donna The Buffalo
Suwanee Spring Reunion 1
Spirit Of The Suwanee Music Park
Live Oak FL
2017-03-23 Thursday
78'F 40%RH
Source: (1) Camera Audio
Location: Center FOB
Transfer: Audacity > CD Wave > TLH
Taped and matrixed by capnhook and dababe44
d1t01 -intro-
d1t02 In This Life
d1t03 I Just Don't Want To Be Lonely
d1t04 Positive Friction
d1t05 happy birthday Colleen
d1t06 Look Before You Cross My Heart
d1t07 Me And Depression
d1t08 -banter-
d1t09 I Love My Tribe
d1t10 Blue Sky
d1t11 Meant To Be
d1t12 -yay-
d1t13 Silverlined
d1t14 Embrace The Pain
d1t15 -Mollie Farr stage call-
d1t16 Crash And Burn %
d1t17 Blue Skies And Buttercups
d1t18 Forty Days And Forty Nights
d1t19 -tuning-
d2t01 I'm Tired Of Your Hold On Me
d2t02 Deeds Of A Few
d2t03 Everyday
d2t04 -Mark and Tara story-
d2t05 Swing That Thing
d2t06 -thanks and a short word-
d2t07 Do You Believe In Magic
d2t08 Family Picture
% - with Mollie Farr - Harmony Vocals
Jeb Puryear - "We come from the land of snow..."
Tara Nevins - "Well it sure is good to be here...
it's one of our very, very, very favorite places to be."
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Vocals
Tara Nevins - Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine
Dave McCracken - B3, Clavinet
Kyle Spark - Bass, Backing Vocals
Mark Raudabaugh - Drums
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: