Donna The Buffalo
Hartwood Acres Amphitheater
Allison Park PA
2017-08-12 Saturday
78'F 79%RH
Source: (1) Busman BSCS-L > Edirol OCM R-44
(2) JB-mod NAK CM-300 (CP-3's) > Edirol OCM R-44
(3) Schoeps 41CMC6s > Lunatec V3 > SONY TCD-D8
Soundman : Jason Scattaregia
Location : FOB sweet spot
Transfer: Audacity > CD Wave > TLH
Recorded by capnhook and madtaper
Mixed by capnhook
d1t01 -intro-
d1t02 Movin' On
d1t03 Temporary Misery
d1t04 Ring Of Fire
d1t05 -tuning-
d1t06 Living In Babylon
d1t07 The Reason Why
d1t08 I'm Tired Of Your Hold On Me
d1t09 Blue Sky
d1t10 Each And Every Direction
d1t11 Let's Make This Easier On Ourselves
d1t12 Funky Side
d1t13 One Day At A Time
d1t14 Forty Days And Forty Nights
d1t15 -tuning-
d1t16 Mrs. Maudry
d2t01 -thanks-
d2t02 The Call
d2t03 The Ones You Love
d2t04 -encore crowd-
d2t05 I Love My Tribe
d2t06 Heaven And The Earth
d2t07 -outtro-
Jeb Puryear - "You're more than welcome."
Tara Nevins - "Bring it up just a little bit, please."
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Jeb Puryear - Electric Guitar, Vocals
Tara Nevins - Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Accordion, Scrubboard, Tambourine
Dave McCracken - B3, Clavinet, Piano
Kyle Spark - Bass, Backing Vocals
Mark Raudabaugh - Drums
photos - courtesy of Larry Franklin
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
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